November 2002 rediagnosed with a recurring tumor I am going to bring you through the whole fun thing

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Brain Tumor History And Other Rants
Wednesday, December 21, 2005  

People don't realize what it's really like to survive this at times. I am winning right now but have fought tooth nail, kicking and screaming through this not to die. I see things different than all the people I talk to unless they have lived through this. Hey if it still hurts I am alive.
Imagine for a minute not being able to eat out at all, even most pre-packaged foods. Not even being able to eat at friends, and forget hanging out with sick people. The next drug I am taking has conflicting food interactions. My choices cook fresh meat meals for myself and no leftovers past 2 days. Granted it's only like 4 weeks, you try it.
Wait here's a general list of what you can not eat. Cheese, aged meat, ham, no cold cuts. No take out Chinese no take out anything. No nuts, which includes coking with nut derived oil. No alcohol, teas or coffees, can't even have boost shakes for nutrition, based on their ingredients. After all this time I am gaining a sense of pride and accomplishment from my survival. I never used to think it was anything more than what I had to do. Now I know it's what I needed to do to get to this good point in life. I don't feel bad for myself.
I just wish everyone could gain some perspective and insight as to the daily physical, emotional, and financial burdens we live under being disabled, not being able to send the mortgage out until the government check clears, I have no savings just a checking account to push the money through for the bills. It's the times you need to make a living, you aren’t, you have to borrow to survive. And then sink in debt, further and further.

My last MRI report was kick ass it proved I have a hole in my head and also true nothing is happening in said hole which kicks ass.

Oh and happy holidays from the guy with a hole in his head thanks for keeping up with me, and following my drama.

Pray for our troops.

3:01 PM

Thanks, ya' fucker - I WAS enjoying my Chinese food lunch!!

Seriously, if you need ANY assistance at all - food, cash, whatever - PLEASE don't hesitate to ask!!!!

I don't have much, but what I do have I'm happy to share - just let me know.

I'd like to give you some Xmas cheer, so how about if I go over to Bruno's house and kick him in the nuts?
Feliz Navidad, my brother with the extra skull hole!!

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