November 2002 rediagnosed with a recurring tumor I am going to bring you through the whole fun thing

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Brain Tumor History And Other Rants
Friday, February 24, 2006  

I am starting my chemo today. I have never taken this drug before so I don’t know how I will react to it. . I have to follow a crazy a strict diet because this stuff reacts with most food. Pasta, Wheaties, Chicken, meat, cooked fruit and vege’s, whole grain stuff. Everything has to be less than 2 days from the store, processed foods, nuts, any caffeine all off the list. I just don’t want to have a severe reaction on top of the sickness I will feel on the drug.

My last job stopped paying for my benefit’s so I have to pay them myself; they give you 18 months at $400 a month then they totally cut you off. It kind of wrecked my paying down my debt plan, but I have to stay healthy, and need the medical coverage, so at least for now I am happy to pay it. O.K. happy to pay it is stretching the truth, willing to pay it to stay healthy and out of poverty from medical bills.

Got my taxes back from my accountant I will send them out today. The dogs are still living like kings. This weekend not much on tap because I have to see how I feel from this medication.

So not a lot of good news this week, but I will take it is progression my condition, gives me something else to obsess about.

7:05 AM

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