November 2002 rediagnosed with a recurring tumor I am going to bring you through the whole fun thing
This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.
Brain Tumor History And Other Rants
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007 rantings 8/6/07 I used to think how boring a wife and a house some pets and some kids would be for a life. When I was younger I had to grow up and have it different well 1. My raging hormones wanted tons of women. 2. I had to grow up and be rich, preferably a musician who would have ready access to said women. Some things got in the way as I came of age. 1. I did not have the self-discipline to learn music well enough (or the blessed natural talent), 2. Nor was I born with the looks for obtaining aforementioned harem of women. I wasted a lot of my years doing lots of time wasteful things. Hanging around other peoples bands, working part-time jobs, hanging out doing nothing a lot. It seems I got myself into a lot of things making me have a little working knowledge about a lot but mastering none, so basically I should have become a band manager but even those prospects were few and hard to find and the bands I knew didn't have talent, to make all of us rich. I always stayed interested in music though. I have been to countless concerts, own a monster music collection.
So I guess life slows you down. Some people keep up the speed, me I am a home body. My wife is the same way lucky for me, we both enjoy being around the house. We hardly ever go out to sit down and eat we never have. We have kind of encapsulated ourselves in our house in a way. We love our house and don't want for running around crazy. We both love to read books, how boring right? I do miss the convenience of being able to see some of our NJ friends more often, but I still try to keep some of them close with phone calls and email contact. That's not to say our door is ever closed to friends on the contrary it is always open. People in Pa are weird, and I know weird. I mean I am no longer the hustle and bustle person that worked in NYC by far. I have slowed down but some people out here are truly back woods and reverse. Now I don't want to be back in NJ or anything we are very happy out here. Just realize it is a culture shock on some levels especially when you deal with PA life long residents, we are invading their country life so we are the ones that need to adapt. Part of my made up theory is the farther away from NYC you get the further back in time the people are. Everything happens in ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />New York at least a year before anywhere else. Ever go to a mall in South Jersey they are 2 years behind New York in fashion.
8/8/07 Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and forms. Adversity doesn't schedule an appointment or show up invited (usually). Why talk about dealing with it who wants to have to hear about someone else's problems. Do you know how to handle all your own problems or a story to tell someone else having a problem? I guess that is a lot of what religion does is helps apply age old stories to modern situations, to show that problems always existed and will continue to exist so if you can learn how to constructively conquer them maybe you will learn a lesson from it. Life is a pain in the butt let's face it. Then there are those with chronic complaining syndrome for no reason. Hypochondriacs, people that like to hear themselves talk you know the type let them wake up with cancer then they will have something to talk about.
8/10/07 I am back on the chemo regimen. Last night was one of those hangover you might be sick and aren't gonna sleep much, but damn is your body tired, nights. Pretty much not worth talking about I have been down this road before (4th time for this chemo protocol about a 4 month cycle), and hopefully this time next year I will be done with this program. So today I have been a big old lazy bastard usually I clean the house on Friday, not this one. Watched some TV, ate when I could fed the cats surfed the web not much else. I still feel blessed I met my wife she is a rock for me and gets me, as much as I am a blabber mouth she is a listener and is tired of listening to the stories that I can remember. Now my challenge is to come up with stories she hasn't heard which requires more memory. I didn't have much from the womb and the radiation treatment took more of the little they gave me at the factory. That's why I never wanted to do drugs I actually needed the brain cells I came with.
4:21 PM